That’s what I like best: putting final touches to make my jelly agar-agar look presentable... I still remember, during Hari Raya back in my hometown in Muar, Johore, mum have always served jelly or "lengkong" in Javanese language, as dessert during marhaban. She will usually ask me to help her in the kitchen, cutting the jelly onto plates. It was a highly stressful job, since I always ended up breaking the jelly! That's when I asked her to start serving jelly in small cups instead... fuhh...

A fruit wonderland!
Anyway, during my recent trip to Greece, I really enjoyed the oranges there. They were huge and really sweet! I must also mention that fruits were cheap there. For example, 2 Euros could get you 10 oranges!

Just the right mix: fruits in a Mediterranean setting!

Remember the camomile from my Greek herbs entry earlier? This time, I have soaked the orange flesh in the water for 30 minutes with the camomile before boiling it. The result: It gives out a woody aroma and a bit of apple flavour to my orange marmalade. Once ready, I served my homemade orange marmalade on my lemon jelly!

As garnishing for my jelly, I made some sweet orange strips. I had cooked some orange skin in honey and brown sugar.

Once the jelly is well set, keep it refrigerated. Simply arrange the orange marmalade on its top, along with the orange strips before serving. Sprinkle some camomile buds as additional decor.

Another round, maybe?
ada aje idea die...
waaaaa refreshing!
bro pakai lens apa?
nyum nyum..dan dan pedih perut nih
Kak Zai- abih Idea ada jerr huhu
Faisal- Pakai Macro & 40-150mm bro
Jue- pedih? gastrik kahh hhehe
Ish ish rajin lah u pasal presentation ni. Hmm but it's nice kan? Love the orange strips!
kan? terlebih rajin nilah jadinya sampai tercerewet plak kadang2 OPSS
aku tengok pon dah rasa kenyang...nyum nyum...
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