Laduree's macarons at 16, Rue Royale Paris... Took this picture a few days ago.
No, I'm not writing about Laduree macarons. I've done that before! ;) But I would like to write about this week's most interesting class! It's the French Macarons class! What is most special about it was, my teacher used to work in Laduree's kitchen here in Paris!
She's really experienced in baking and styling Laduree Macarons before she got married, and started teaching such classes. I just love how she shared with us, her culinary story and some secrets from the Laduree kitchen.

There she is, on the right. Luckily the class was conducted in English! Yippie! Glad, since my French is still nothing to be proud of :D

And that's me, working hard in the kitchen :)
Anyway, during the class, we were separated onto two groups. My group was assigned to bake a few trays of Vanilla & Pear garnish macarons in green pastle color, while the other group baked Praline' garnish macarons, in pastle purple color. Let's have the pictures tell the story!

I think my macaroons teacher was happy with what I have baked. I just can't wait to get home and start perfecting it! Au revoir!
Hwaaa...jelesss gila i tengok u buat macaron tu...tapi nak makan tak kuasa sebab manisss!
yang manis tu sebab tak pandai buat...kalau yg ori tak berapa manis ;)
owh ya ke? that's great! rugikan..dulu masa u bagi resipi untuk BH, mac tak meletops lagi masa tu kalau tak boleh masuk dalam kolum masak2 kita orang kat BH.
sell to me some! :)
Waaaaaa. Share the recipe plsssssss!!!
weee....making macarons the italian meringue mtd...i learnt from nathalie of nathalie gourmetb studio, but does a lot the french meringue way! awesome!
yess! share the recipe please! :)
LW- tahun 2006 camtu punyalah banyak Bakezine kat OU jual Macarons takde sapa nak kisah sampai tutup kedai tu LOL kalau skrg sure kedai tu tak bankrup hehe
FA_nantilah balik Malaysia I buat Macarons Party ;)
Izuan & Umar - You all kena attend class I plak leh? :P
KG- yeah we did the Italian style last week, and going to do the French style next week! ;)
you should start your own cafe la...macarons with iced choc..yummy!
wah! boleh je! janji dapat makan macarons!! :D
nk wat macarons ni ada special ingredient ker?
btw, ari tu kawan ada beli macarons di KLCC. dia beri saya rasa. mmg manis la mcm LW ckp. diorang x pandai buat la kot? hahahahaha~
teringin nak makan
xpernah makan lagi macaron nih
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