Monday, January 4, 2010

L’année 2010 ( Welcoming 2010 )

My version of 'kuih tepung pelita' - in a bottle...

The day started in my small, little garden, me watering my plants in the morning... I smelled the aroma of ginger and pandan from my nasi lemak that was still cooking in the rice cooker... that was to be my breakfast to start off the new year. It made the whole house smells delicious and sweet. Homey!

I plucked another bunch of Pandan leaves from my petite garden... and put some in a jar filled with some water. I just can't resist the fragrant smell of pandans!

Right after my breakfast and while waiting my laundry being done, I started making some pandan juice! Oh yes, I am a fan of Kuih Tepung Pelita, especially during the fasting month of Ramadan... so, I decided to bake some... The only part I dislike is, folding the pandan leaves into a box shape, oh my... Instead, I had opted to use glass bottles - and leave them in the fridge for them to get done... that, I must say, is more satisfying!

Instead of totally using diced water chestnuts as the filling, I had used some well-boiled kidney beans, too! Kidney beans are rich in protein and I highly recommend it to those who are into body building -include at least 250 grams of it in your daily diet to support and maintain your muscles.

O.k, I shall let the pictures tell the story...

Oh they were so delicious!
Anyway, a toast to all of you for a wonderful New Year ahead, with delicious foods!

Tepung Pelita

You need:

  • 4 cups of rice flour
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • ...........................................................................................................................................................
  • 1 cup of coconut milk
  • ...........................................................................................................................................................
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • ...........................................................................................................................................................
  • 1 cup of pandan juice
  • ...........................................................................................................................................................
  • pinch of salt


    1. Mix A
    Mix half a cup of rice flour with coconut milk and salt. Put aside.
    2.Mix B
    Mix 3 and a half cups of rice flour with hot water,sugar and pandan juice.
    Put aside.
    3. Place the diced water chestnuts or kidney beans in the empty bottles.
  • ...........................................................................................................................................................
    4. Fill the bottles with Mix B and steam them. Once they firm, up put in Mix A.
    5. Continue to steam..
    6.Leave to cool and put in refrigerator. Best served chilled.


      wahdi said...

      eh tertinggal! :D letak kat B! thnx yer sbb noticed! :P

      wake me for meals said...

      i just get myself a pandan leaves yesterday...still wondering what i'm gonna do with it...huhuh...u gimme ideas!thanks mate!

      Aan Andes said...

      So creaaammyy! Happy new year wahdi. Recipe ni I tak buat sebab malas hehehe tapi daun pandan letak dlm air nak buat la! I love its smell, and bau rumput baru potong/lepas siram

      tim-mystic-crafts said...


      Tee Elliott ^__^ said...

      Pandainye Wahdi nie memasak..malu I...hehehehehe..

      baincardin said...

      tgk entry ni terus perut terasa lapar!

      *semua gambar² superb bro! ^_^

      khairul said...

      salam wahdi...susah lah nak wat huhu nnt beli je kat pasar kedai payang unik tol coz letak dlm lain x wat lagi tu

      wahdi said...

      Wake- hahaha o.k bro,cool! ;)

      Aandes- I bau pandan suka, bau rumput tak sukaaaaa

      wahdi said...

      Tim- thnx!

      Tee- ala, u still leh belajar masak lagi through my blog :P

      wahdi said...

      Bain- thnx Bain!

      Khairul- huhu mmg leceh skit membuatnya, hang beli dr aku nak? :P

      Anonymous said...

      adakah model yang sedang makan adalah en arip =D

      but something new la...tepung pelita dalam jar =D fusion

      =kak anna=

      musyee said...

      this is a cool idea.. and i like it when u use kidney beans :) gotta try!

      Liyana said...

      Ok jugak letak dlm jar. Kalau makan yg dalam daun pandan, mau nya I makan sampat 3-4 bijik sekali. yang ni puas hati. Cuma I suka the feeling masa dok korek kotak daun pandan tu guna sudu.. korek hingga ke titisan terakhir!

      Faisal Admar said...

      wahdi, i nak yang kehijauan dan plain. no nuts please :)

      Anonymous said...

      pemilihan model sgt tepat..

      (menunggu soft cookies almond+dates uolss yg lazat sgt tu..iolss sempat makan sebijik je..yg lain dikebas sorang satu oleh ahli dlm rumah iolss..budak2 pun suka uolsss..tu yg bapak dia beli cookies lain sebagai pengganti)


      Anonymous said...

      pemilihan model sgt tepat..

      (menunggu soft cookies almond+dates uolss yg lazat sgt tu..iolss sempat makan sebijik je..yg lain dikebas sorang satu oleh ahli dlm rumah iolss..budak2 pun suka uolsss..tu yg bapak dia beli cookies lain sebagai pengganti)


      wahdi said...

      Kak Anna- iye tu En Arip hehe, pandai teka eh?

      Musyee- Amacam, dah try?? ;)

      wahdi said...

      Liyana- Kan? tul tu kalau makan yg daun pandan tu tak puass, saya sah2 belasa paling tidak 5 biji hehe!!

      Faisal- O.k, RM50 plss! haha

      wahdi said...

      Mr Mussel- x sempat lg ni nak pose2kan soft cookies, soon o.k! yakah? sedaplah maksudnya eh? *terharu huhu

      Anonymous said...

      sedap uolss..jarang rasa soft cookies yg xrasa butter yg kuat sbb rasa pati dates tu sebagai base dah cukup kuat..cuma almond tu x mak mertua iolss suka almondnya sedemikain rupa ..cuma iolss rasa lebih enak kalau ranggup..ada dua struktur..ranggup dan lembut..gituhh


      @xiM said...

      waaahhh..boleh try ni.Unik sangat!!

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