A French lady joked about swapping macarons. Hers were Laduree, mine were Pierre Herme! No way, Madam... Don't think I want to queue up for hours again ;)
As usual, whenever I visited Jardin du Luxembourg, a place compulsory for me to drop by would be Pierre Hermé! I went there a few days after my Macarons Class, I love afternoons at Jardin du Luxembourg. The garden is really full of distinctive character. A signature view of this garden is the congregation of veteran localites spending their evening playing chess, often with complete strangers who take them on for a game of mind challenge...
Anyway, back to the Pierre Hermé story: They used to trade under the same roof with Ladurée. Personally, I think both of them are now equally successful. If I were to compare them to fashion brands, Pierre Hermé is Hermes (long queues going for their Birkin bags are somewhat similar to those queuing up for macarons!), while Ladurée is Louis Vuitton (more accessible, with more points of sale). The most obvious difference is, Ladurée has its own line of merchandises! Not to be out-done, Pierre Hermé does so in another, classier way; for example, their current collaboration with artist Nicolas Vial in designing their latest macaron boxes!

A normal scene: The long queue at Pierre Hermé...

Hoping for some macarons, I joined the queue... And what else was there to do, except for snapping some interesting shots while waiting to be served?

Remember this "stylo" lady, with her Lego earrings from the previous entry? I actually spotted her while queuing up at Pierre Hermé.

Striking window display at Pierre Hermé.

Inside Pierre Hermé. Opsss... no pictures allowed!
But that didn't stop me from taking some! :D

On my way to the Jardin du Luxembourg...

Setting up some props for the photography session...
These are what I bought on that day!!

Yum! Yum!

Enjoying the evening's sights, while having my macarons!

Some pictures at Jardin du Luxembourg.

*Thanks to my travel partner for taking my pictures! ;)
yang hijau tu green tea ke apa? arghh yummylicious..
wow~suka dengan cara,macarons itu difotokan.
cute n comel !!
I love the macs from pierre herme much better than laduree!
tapi kita x suka anting2 dia...tu eclairs dgn orange kan...cantek eh...mcm boleh bau je dari sini...bau manis hehe...
last 2 years memecut nak gi sini lah, sampai2 je dah tutup. wow skrg dah panjang beratur ...love macarooooooooooonn
tetiba rasa nak makan mekerun...
those macarons was cute!
dari fb MCM yg ber'kontroversi' ,, datang ke blog yg pnuh dgn keindahan warna warni gmbr yg mempersonakan..keep it up..bestnya..
LW- yg green tua, peas & kidney beans sedapp hehe
Muhammad- Thanks!
Kasih- napa plak tak suka? sbb awak takleh pakai camtu ke? hehehe ha'ah eclairs dgn orange
CL- mmg dari dulu beraturnya panjang hehe
Akmal- apa lagi order lah dgn aku bro! hahahaha
Umar- precisely! hehe
Zulaiqha- thanks ! and thanks for visiting my blog, kan? panas sungguh MCM hehe
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