Everyone loves fish, I guess... It happens to be my all-time favourite meat! And the more simple we prepare the fish, the more juicy we're going to have it. Am I not right?
Instead of having it elaborately steamed with mixed pickles and a dazzle of lemon, my much preffered style is the "masak singang" - fish in turmeric soup. It's actually a traditional Malay-Javanese recipe.
My parents have a very strong Javanese backgrounds, so it shows in our daily meals during my childhood. In fact, mum specializes in Javanese recipes! And one of them is the singang fish (Ikan Masak Singang.)
I went to the Marche to get the most imporatant ingredients - the fish and fresh turmeric.

This is what I had for my dinner, Ikan Masak Singang.
All you need to prepare this fish soup are:
1 fish (your choice!)
1 clove of garlic
2 small onions
1/2 thumb size of kunyit (turmeric)
1 chilli (pits removed)
1 dried asam keping or u can replace with 2 spoonfuls of lemon juice.
1 bowl of water
To prepare:
1. Pound clove, small onion and turmeric in a mortar.
2. Heat up the pan and put 2 tablespoons of oil. Fry the pounded ingredients till fragrant and pour in the water and asam keping.
3. Leave the pan of the water to boil. Once boiled, reduce the flame and put in the fish, salt,sugar and turmeric leave (optional). I couldn't find the leaf here :(.
Slow-cook until the fish is well done, and serve it hot.
Anyway, in some other versions they include ginger and other spices; but I am not really into it.

Spanner Crabs and Balmain bugs... I just love the color combination when they were put side by side. I have planned to cook Balmain Bugs in spicy coconut milk (Balmain Bugs Masak Cili Api) one day!
xpernah dengar/rasa masakan ini.. tp mmg nampak menyelerakan..:)
hepi study bro..
n blogging..
love u... ur updates lol.. :D
thanks for recipe wahdi. aku nak kena masak masakan malaysia singgang neh lah. dah muak aku dengan masakan pakistani kat islamabad ni. hehe :)
Bukan namanya masak 'pindang' ker *sambil garu2 kepala*
masa kecik2 dulu, bila bonda masak singgang, nasi x berapa nak luak pun even jiran sebelah dtg ngendeng2 nak singgang..tp la ni...dpt singgang je terus nak irup kuahnya
org kata dah cukup seharian baru sedap rasanya..rempah2 dah mesra..
i lagi suka letak Tuhau. please google for this heaven vegetable hahahaha...then letak black pepper sikit. dah bukan nama singang dah. my mom selalu letak tomato. ada masam, ada manis, ada pedas, ada bau cam bau kumbang.
utk kuah, i suka pakai air asam jawa...weeerrrrrr
its called masak terjun very the mabeles. hahahha
the anthropologist, singgang & pindang masakan yang sama =D certain tempat singgah dia clear tak dak kunyit.
but my fav javanese food will always be sambal jawa goreng!!!
=kak anna=
Y-awy - tak penah makan? try ler buat pasni! haha LOOL
KNizam- hahaha tulah pasal, masakan melayu juga ttp di hati. U should try this simple recepie, and blog abt it k? ;)
Khairil- Pindang? that's boiled egg is it?
Mr Mussel - Yeah, nowdays those food yg kita tak suka masa kecik akan jadi fav bila dewasa kan?
Mas- Tuhau? never heard b4! i'll google it soon
btw, terjun? sounds great, a bit simillar cam singang la style masaknya~
Kak Anna- oh ye ke!!! he he he baru tahu some called pindang. I pun suka sambal goreng jawa!
confuse dgn masak asam, yg clear gak kuah dia
my parents punyer letak beberapa cili padi
sodap, kalau gigit cili tu sekali time mkn.. ader kick!!!
*org kata, kunyit elok utk keringkan organ dalaman, especially wanita baru lepas bersalin. tapi kalau mkn byk sangat.. nanti susah/jarang buang air besar..bowels kerings sangat kot.
biasa singgang ni masakan org kat terengganu..klu org terengganu kan, ikan singgang ni cicah ngan budu makan ngan nasi panas..
*aduh, laparnya perut menengok gambar wahdi ni
salam... singgan my family fav too!
* kak e 'follow' wahdi ;)
hej! wahdi...hhhhmmmm...i dunno that this is one of javanese dishes, but for Perakian, this is one of the dish that my family enjoy for luch or dinner...except that my mom's singgang is minus onion(shallot)...;-)
p.s.: great with okra too...
Sedapnyaa!!! I pun suka singgang! Anyway just to confirm (because I failed ok bab2 masak ni), the main ingredient is kunyit or lengkuas? Haha.. I confuse ok.
Anyway the spanner crab and balmain bugs look sooo yummilicious!!! Oh ya, the balmain looks like udang ketak versi Malaysia :P Oh myyyy..so jealous of you laaaaa. Want to try all those thing also! :D
Opss..sorry terpaksa comment again as I can't stop looking at the pictures. Love love the colors and benciiiii jeles dgn u sebab I love seafood. It's 2 in 1 hate ok :P
Budlee- Ha'ah mmg byk version of singang, but the javanese punya pakai kunyit ;) yes some letak cili kering some cili padi too!
Jue- ooo ganu & kelantan punya guna lengkuas kan? tak guna kunyit?
Umi-e - Salam Umi_e! o.k, sila2 follow, thnx!
Hej Danial! really, precisely Chinese's version mostly no Shallot right? hehe
Aan des- Ketam ketaq? u mean belangkas kan? i saw ur entry last time u enjoyed habis makan belangkas! hehe The javanese's singang guna kunyit, pantai timur guna lengkuas.
Ahaha u ngan comot mmg suka seafood kan? jgn terlebih toksin dlm badan yer! :P
lama tak makan singgang. esok nak minta mak masak :P
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