As usual, the most efficient public transport in Paris...

Bicycle rental. Simply swipe your credit card, and you get to use it for free up to 30 minutes... There are plenty of such bicycle stations - you may return the bike at any station.

I simply love this huge blue door... Spotted it on my way to Laduree...

Here is the famous Laduree, on Rue Champs Elysee...


These are what I got for that evening...

Anyway, macarons also can be easily spotted at any bakery in Paris too.This pic was taken from an unknown bakery. Not the boutique type LOL

After chewing up a whole box of mini macarons on my way home via rue Champs ELysee, I was (floating) on cloud 9...
wah...! tinginnye nak buat berbuka ni ;-)
pintu biru ittew mmg unik.. nti u wat le umah u pintu warna yg sama.. ;p
adui wahdi,
ju tengah pregnant ni tau. u tunjuk macarons tu, buat terliur. =( sobs.
eh kata hari tu pergi dubai ? or did i miss your entries ? jap nak scroll down.
u take care !
best nyer leh swipe2 jer utk naik basikal, kat malaysia agaknya boleh ker, adakah mentality pemegang kad kredit tinggi?
nah.. nak naik public pun lekeh...
best kete2 kat sana, sume diesel, jimat minyak..
floating on cloud 9? macaroons tu ada ganja ke ape? hehe
NBC- Kat NZ ada jual tak Macarons?
Y-awy- Pitu my house soon green colour lah :P
Julia- Serious u pregnant? bila kawen! lama tak jenguk ur blog, btw congrats! hehhe yeah spent my weekend kat Dubai, pastu balik Paris...
Bud- Agreed, but sampai bila lah mentalilty nak ubah kan? for sure basikal pun banyak kena songlap mlm2
Chen- LOL! ada ice je LOOL
selamat berpuasa di Paris. balik raya tak?
eh wahdi Laduree's macarons tu biskut ker roti yek.. suka tgk laduree... full with colors.. hahhahahha.. buat aku terliur di pagi subuh ni..
Canggihnya sistem basikal derang tu! Anyway Msia is full with dust and so hot, people will pitam naik basikal.
The only macaroon I ever tasted pun coffee with ganache filling. Nak raspberry jugak!!! :D
salam wahdi,
1st tyme heard about macarons.. merci' for this food info.. yummy ;p
kalau iols nak bukak boutique jual karipap ok tak kat jalan TAR?
nmpas berselera btul la macarons tu rasanye cane yer? nnti farhad try le buat hehehhe
Anne- Thnx, u too slamat Berpuasa..Raya balik!!! ;)
Ckucin- hehehe dia kategori kuih, bahan asas putih telur,gula&nuts...filling dia yg buat rasa dia berbeza2 tiap satu
Aan Andes- Hehehe kalau kat KL ada yg salah guna basikal tu kot??? Raspberry tu rasanya paling 'in" ngan macarons he hehe
Musyee- no prob. Selamat mencuba lepas ;)
Art- Pastu uol jual seketul RM9 buh dlm kotak cantik2, karipap uol kaler pink,pepel,hijau etc ha ha ha
Kak Zul- Rasanya camna yer, susah nak explain sedap lar hehehe leh mmg dah penah buat ;)
u know what wahdi. masa akak baca this entry, i realize my sis ada bergambar depan kedai laduree and guess what. dia bleh tatau itu laduree cause she tot itu kedau jual kotak2. haiyahhhh.. i was dying nak makan laduree punya macaroon
-anna che moin-
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