Tour... in French it means Tower. The French call Eiffel Tower "la Tour Eiffel"... And it's the most recognizable iron structure in the world! It was built between 1887-1889. To me, it's the most genius iron structure since it has build in the 19th century! I do my morning walk by the river Seine all the time but still, I always feel amazed everytime i see Tour Eiffel...I took these two pictures below for my desktop wallpaper *actually i've a few more for my collection he he he...
If you like it, u can click on the desired size below and set it as your desktop wall paper, too.
1280 x 800 800 x 600
1280 x 800800 x 600I managed to climb up Tour Eiffel when En Arip was here and it was so tiring but definitely fun! You have the option of going up to the second level of Tour Eiffel either by stairs or elevator. We decided to go up by stair to the second level and from there, we went up to the peak by elevator. If you wish to go up Tour Eiffel, make sure you get there early in the morning, or you must be to prepared to wait in the long queue! Here are the pictures taken about a month ago...
We came very early so the queue has just started to form...
Those who choose to take the elevator to the second floor, they go up in lifts like the one on the right...
If you choose to go up by stair like we did, make sure you are not afraid of height or gayat, and you have enough stamina... I was trying to control my breathing in this pic..*tanak nampak cungap2ahaha
Luckily I was already on the first floor when the queue gets long!
And I needed a was so tiring! Luckily, they have a cafe on the first floor, too...
Later, we continued climbing, while enjoying the magnificient view of Paris!

To those who just happened to pass my blog, this is my favourite angle of the Effiel Tower taken from my previous entry.
memang superb la pic2 yg abg wahdi snap...
love it all...
(pose2 yg very the kannnnnnn...)opsssss...
Yes wahdi, I agree that your last picture in this post is STILL the best picture of the Eiffel tower you have taken!
waah...lama x masuk sini u dh smpi paris rupenyer...neway, nice view n pix here...sure i masuk everyday nk tenangkan fikiran tgk the real paris from u cam...hehehhe
Oit. Kalu panjat everyday musti cepat kurus kan :D
hey r u?
looks like u r having a great time over there.
I like paris very much myself.
Masa g sane...rase nak duduk je depan tower tuh d whole day...:D
DD- THNX bro!
Bernard- heheheh kannn told u :P
Betty- Thnx! patutlah lama tak nampak u! ;)
Khairil- ko gemok ke bro ahaha
Khrnnadia- Hew there,am fine thnx! ahah kan, lucky my room there is facing Eiffel! baring kat katil pun sambil tgk Eiffel hehe
Siot jer :P
you and arip are in purple! hehe....
Kairil - :P
Chen- oh yesss
Wahdi , Paris looks additionally beautiful with your magic touch from your camera angle and lenses
Syuk- Thnx Syuk!
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