I promised my family members to prepare Salade de tomates noir (Black tomatoes salad) ONLY if the tomatoes are available. So I ended up with a squid tomato salad (Salade de tomates et calmar ) as appertizer for iftar (breaking the fast) instead.

Lovely oval cherry tomatoes! I actually ate an entire bowl of it, macam makan strawberry,

Here is my Salade de tomates et calmar !

To prepare it:
1. Simply marinate the cut squid with fennel powder, honey, lime juice and grill it.
2. Mix the squid with cut cherry tomatoes, chopped parsley and cucumber .
3. Dress with vinaigrette (traditional french dressing) which you can simply prepare at home.
4. To prepare the vinaigrette, combine honey, mustard, garlic and flavorful oils and vinegars.
1. Simply marinate the cut squid with fennel powder, honey, lime juice and grill it.
2. Mix the squid with cut cherry tomatoes, chopped parsley and cucumber .
3. Dress with vinaigrette (traditional french dressing) which you can simply prepare at home.
4. To prepare the vinaigrette, combine honey, mustard, garlic and flavorful oils and vinegars.
Selamat berpuasa!
love when u taking food photography.. ni wat kecur air liur time2 posa ni.. heheheheheh..
herm..anti blog ni bila dia da sebut pasal food photog. hahaha.salam ramadhan bro.
helo bro. boleh je. tp saya free on weekend je.hahaa..saya ni brada kat tengah sabah.kerja. so weekend je available utk berumba-ramba.haha
mmg nmpk menyelerakan la masakan awak.. :)
hmm.. x sakit perut ke klu mkn tomato byk2? ;p
i like tht tomato too.. remind me of someone.. huhuh .. :)
sedap nampaknya.. especially untuk berbuka puasa
laparnye...x baek la u
selamat hari raya to wahdi n family.. keep on posting those great pics tau..
salam wahdi, selamat menyambut lebaran yang mulia, maaf zahir dan batin..
bila nak naik badan asik makan mcm ni je...
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