Speaking of pavlova, my favorite is those available at Delicious - the Berrylicious Chocolate Pavlova to be exact. I love its sourish taste, and its pinkish - caramelish colour. I've been wondering all along, what gave it that color I'm sure it's not from the food colouring agent, no? That's the reason why I find their pavlova tastes slightly better than others, too.
But one day, while I was on the FaceBook via my BlackBerry, Delicious uploaded their pavlova recipe on their fan page. It was their sacred pavlova recipe! How cool! Only then I got the answer! They added some balsamic vinegar to get that sourish taste and colour! Few days later, I decided to bake my own pavlova. So I went through their page again, but.... the recipe was gone! I should've copied the recipe on spot! I will, next time.
With no good, reliable guide, I went ahead and made my own version pavlova, the Pomegranate Pavlova!

For the base:
•Preheat the oven to 160 degree Celsius.
Beat 2 egg whites with a pinch of salt until peak, add some balsamic vinegar and fold it slowly. Add 200 grams of confection sugar and mix the batter slowly. Bake for one hour. Left to cool in the oven with the door open.
yummehhhhhh!! hihi
i will definitely bake this :) keep posting good photos n recipe ..cheers
OMG...pavlova is my favorite dessert la bro...
maaan...u made this yummy thing without a so called proper guide?!
even with a guide, i dont think i can make anything like it!
anyway, how was ur Pavlova tasted like?
ps: the next time u bake sumthing, send me some! :P
yum yum..... *drooling*
HotMama- haha kan!
Syakira-thnx, yes u must try then!
Akmal- me too bro!
Nil- luckily my Pavlova tasted damn good! hahah how i wish i can send u some!
lama taj jengok sini..awak dah kurus
sedap nyeeer..! sllu ada brilliant ideas :)
without proper guide? wow.. it look yummy x10.. LOL! going to try this one soon..
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