Before I continue my Milan entries, let's see what I had just now. Cooked this dish last weekend and it was so yummy! So, I had another round yesterday, and thought it would be lovely to share the recipe here.
This recipe originated via my mum's Javanese roots.. Mum had always used cat fish every time she cooks this and it tastes better! But if you have difficulty getting cat fish, the best substitute would be string ray, just as in my case.

I had used four chunks of sting ray. Add two tablespoons of tamarind paste.

Marinate the sting ray in tamarind paste for 30 minutes - this helps in reducing the unpleasant, fish smell of the sting ray. More importantly, this also tenderizes the sting ray.

Subsequently, clean the sting ray again - washing off the remnants of tamarind. Then, add two tablespoons of fish oil, and sprinkle some turmeric powder, and leave it for a while. While that is being done, you need to now prepare the paste for its gravy. Dash two cloves of garlic, five small onions, six Thai chillies, an inch of fresh turmeric (or a spoon of turmeric powder) and an inch of kencur root (aromatic ginger)

Pan grill the sting ray but do not over cook. Once done, place the grilled sting ray in a bowl and pour the gravy over it.

There you have it - it's ready to be served!
wah header baru & lapar
seperti biasa gambar suoperb! menyelerakan walaupun menu nya menu biasa tetapi gambar buatkan masakn nih 5star
wow, best yerr,masak2..ermm sedap nyerr,nyum3
Wowww! It looks delish! Agak2 kalau ganti tenggiri ok tak? I kurang favor catfish and stingray. I knoww so tak best :(
is it hard to get cat fish?
my local sundry shop sells those organic catfish....
memang takde jual kat hypermarket yeh?
it looks soo tasty.
cant wait for ur milan posts :)
nampla sauce? :P
Kak Zai- tukar langsir(banner) baru sempena raya haji LOL
Azli- Thanks Chef! kembang kempis dah ni LOL
Liza- masak tu fun! btw mmg sedappp!! :D
Aan- mm not sure! nvr tried b4, but i guess it would be fine!
Bud- I couln't find in my neighbourhood area.. wow, organic catfish some more!
Nil- thanks! it was so yummy! :P I also can wait to post the next entry but am slightly busy lately
Zafi- yesssss :P
mmg looks tempting sgt2....mau x cukup nasi semangkuk tu..hehe
Jun- hehe kan!! nasib tgh diet jadi tahan napsu tambah nasi haha
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