Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Visit Indonesia 2009

I just got home after being away for a week in Jakarta and Bandung.
I will write about it in my next entry!


Anonymous said...

Amboi banyaknya dia shopping kat Rumah Mode, tu berapa banyak plastik biru dpn kaki tu? :P
*cpt2 upload pic yer! tak sbr nak tgk!


y_awy said...

really2 miss u... ur update blog lah.. la la la.. ;)

welcome home farhad aka wahdi san.. ;D

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mr.mussel said...

wah...suka pic uolss dgn tiang sebatang sambil memakai baju hijau dan pose2 beg yang sama dgn sebulan gaji(08) iolss itteww

wahdi said...

Intan- Sikit je tu, tu baru intro LOL. Thnx soon i upload k?

Y-awy- thnx! nnt lah den update :P

wahdi said...

mr mussel- marah org indon nnt, tu tugu MONAS bkn tiang yer hehehe

artisticklytouch said...

sudeeeeehhhhh...pindah rumah tak bagitau!

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wahdi said...

art- sori yerrr amponnn

nad- sekejap je diri tu :P

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