Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's summer Soldes in Paris now! Soldes in French means SALE!!!
It's really crazy to shop in Paris during its soldes season! I almost fainted! LOL
I was on my way to a Metro station en route shopping when I noticed this beautiful view of the Eiffel tower, in between two buildings...
And this summer, I've noticed a splurge of purple! Purple is the most 'in' color in Paris now! I will upload more Paris purple sightings in a future entry.
Here are some items I had bought for myself yesterday :P
And these are for my latest new-born niece!


J u l i a 。.゜✿ said...

kenapa baju kotak je semua ?
go for flowery lah. cun jugak =)
ahaaaaa i nampak those new underwares ! cun cunnnnn

ckucin said...

gambar Eiffel Tower gorgeous.. luv it.. ini buat nak gi Paris ni..

IkanMas said...

Aikkk!!! beli underware pun nak tunjuk ? Tu misti size budak2 punya kan ? hu hu hu

akupunyahal said...

wow I love sales! sini tengah stocktake sale jugakkk...

the anThropologist said...

Paris memang heaven kalu nak shopping kan. Memang puas hati!! :D

wahdi said...

Jue- Itu sesi shopping baju petak, baju bunga-bunga Shopping weekend ni huhuhu cun? kan! :P

Ckucin - Thnx! hehehe mmg kena pegi tu! ;)

wahdi said...

Kasih- Tu corak lain lah kasih :P
yg tgh cantik? kalau kasih pakai sure jadi tinggi OPSSS Nama baby baru Sofea ~~

Ikan Mas- tak tunjuk pun, tak sengaja je OPSSS

wahdi said...

Malim- kannn mesti meriah shopping kat sana gak..

Khairil - iyee~~~

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