Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Me AMOUR my room in Paris

My room...

Bila selak langsir..

Kul 6 pagi...Hari2 study ngadap view camni pun jadi tak bosan dak?

Nantilah i update betul2 k! dah lambat ke kelas!


J u l i a 。.゜✿ said...

my goodness ! seriously ? u in paris now ?? wow !! ada kelas apa ni ? lama ke ?

hey..take care. ambil gambar cantik lebih banyak & share disini. =)

akupunyahal said...

welcome to paris.... hope u will have a good time there.. make sure balik sebelum raya jangan tak balik plak sangkut org sana.. opssssssss

SYUKS said...

CAntiknya pemandangan disebalik jendela... kota Paris yg busy.... berapa lama kat sana ?

SYUKS said...

CAntiknya pemandangan disebalik jendela... kota Paris yg busy.... berapa lama kat sana ?

[danial][ma] said...

hej! wahdi...i luvvvvv paris...ohhh lalalalaa...;-) and i think it is damn hot over there too...

anne said...

bonjour! wow bestnya gi Paris.

Enjoy yrself...great view fr yr room.

nus said...

slamat blaja..

AnakPkn said...

ooooooooo never been to that romantic city. kalau dapat peluang kat sana - boleh tumpang bilik tak ? Dgr sewa hotel di sana mahal amat - he he. Gurau !

jellynajal said...

amour amour - bestnyer farhadddd - nak fridge magnet bentuk eiffel tower seketul!

artisticklytouch said...

eh, samalah dengan view dari my room kat Kepong...haha

Aan Andes said...

OMG bestnya ur viewwww!!! And siap centre betul2 tu. Heyyy why are u in Paris? U sambung study there ke?

the anThropologist said...

Erk. Hang watpe kat Paris tue? Study?

Aik duk jauh-jauh sampai Paris pakai kain pelekat ajer :D

ckucin said...

wahhh.. in Paris.. jealous dan bestnya.. Jgn lupa amik gambar byk dan update sini.. tak sabar nak tgk.. huhuhu..

wahdi said...

Julia- Hi Jue, yer duduk di Paris hehe sambung belajar, so kena gi kelas le kat sini. Sure, hari2 tangkap gambar ni!

Malim- Thnx!! haiyo dah tersangkut sedua OPSSS

Syuk- cantik kan, bagun2 tido je nampak view tu, beberapa bulan je kat sini..

Danial- U're wrong, yeah sini tgh summer but only 18 degree!

wahdi said...

Anne- Bonjour! thnx!!

Nus- Mehlah singgah sini~

Ank pekan- xmahal lah :P

Jellyna- boleh sgt!

wahdi said...

Art- gietttiewwww

Kasih- tulah masuk subuh kul 4.30!

An andes- yes!! study~ hehe

Kahirul- best apa pakai kain pelikat nipis2 opsssssssss

Ckucin- pasti! hari2 snap gambar!!!

Unknown said...

the view is nice.. i heard there are no fat people in paris. is it true wahdi?

wahdi said...

Yes Bud, it's true! semua org slim2, tinggi2 dan bergaya sakan, damn jealous!!!

Unknown said...

wah wah sudah ade di paris keee?? cantiknye bilikk mcm hotel. huhu

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