Yeah, purple is the most favourite colour this summer, and Converse sneakers is Parisian favourite. I bought this purple bermudas at the Galleries La Fayette, just a few blocks from the Place Vendome Ritz Hotel, where Princess Diana spent her last evening before she died.

This is one of my favourite flower shops. They change the deco of the shop facade everyday, and I just had to stop by this shop to take the fresh smell aaa~~~~.

Kewl, I luv the petals scattered on the ground...

... and this rustic chair set up.

One of my favourite areas... Actually, this is a small park... Now I can agreed why Paris is the most romantic city in the world!

With a few of my classmates crossing the streets of Champs Elysees... we went to book our bicycle excursion after class yesterday. We were to make a cycling trip to the grounds of Versailles! Will write about the cycling trip to Versailles in the next entry. * This picture was taken on En Arip's 12 MP HD Cam, on wide screen setting. Not bad!