Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sukajadi Hotel, Bandung

Out of ten points, I'll give this hotel a seven. Location wise? Not too bad... It took us only 15 minutes to walk to the most popular factory outlet in Bandung - Rumah Mode. It's about 20 minutes from their railway station by taxi.

What I like most about this hotel, are their helpful staff, its cosy environment and the best of all, their excellent laundry service! To me it's a highly recommended hotel, if u want to have a relaxing stay in Bandung. This hotel is what I would call a hidden treasure - a great place not known to many. You get peace, minus the usual holiday making crowd!

The view from my room...

Peacefully quiet...

The hotel facade...

It was 6 AM, and I took my morning walk...

There was a great restaurant just a few doors from Sukajadi - The Ampera restaurant. I really love their food, especially their pepes ikan masin, on the left in this pic. It was sooo marvelous!

The porridge (with soy bean fritters) at Sukajadi was nice, too. And Indonesian avocado is really cheap and huge in size!

Breakfast by the patio...

The hotel provides a real relaxing atmosphere during the night...

The hotel also sells souvenirs and antiques. And they were quite cheap!

The following day, we went to Tengkuban Perahu and its hot spring...


zulfarina zulkeple said...

mmg cantik la hotel tu...bila la dpt g bandung nih

wahdi said...

Kak Zul- mmg cun dan sgt2 damai hehe, gilah plan2 pasni hehe

wahdi said...

Kasih- yess siap bunyi burung2 dan cengkerik hehehe..ha pais! tapi lagi sedap yg bungkus daun keladi tu kan? leh makan daun keladi hehe

akupunyahal said...

wow klu ke bandung lain kali sure i try this hotel... nice pic yer... yang pasti bukan dalam top ten tuh.. opsssss

wahdi said...

yes malim, kena try, hantar baju banyak2 kat laundry dia k? murah dan cepatt! OPSSSS oh tidak itu kelompok lain hahaha

:: NbC :: said...

semua pics cantik yea..

the anThropologist said...

Kalu jalan aja musti ader kenduri :D

wahdi said...

Kak pinky - thnx yer..biasa2 je tu hehe

wahdi said...

Khairil- Kenduri kesyukuran :P

Anonymous said...

hi farhad..aku nak gi bandung gak ni, nov ni..ok dak sukajadi hotel..tgh survey2 hotel aku mcm minat sheraton hotel..tu yg nak tanya pendapat ko ni..ko gi brapa hari..aku gi 4 hari 3 mlm je..ko rasa cukup dak..---muza

wahdi said...

Hi Muza, so far aku mmg kenan habis sukajadi ni... Sbb aku lebih suka local boutique hotel dari international brand hotels... kalau bandung cukup kot 3 mlm, shopping je pun heheh

@xiM said...

thinking of going to bandung someday,Hotel ni memang selesa semua??

wahdi said...

axim- Sgt selesa dan location wise bagus

fazz said...

anyone yg ada hajat nak ke bandung should try this hotel "Gumilang Sari". location atas arah Tangkuban Perahu.sejuk je..macam kat cameron. Stayed here last time..really nice environment, service 1st class, eventhough hotel tu..tak tau berapa star..pool quite big tp tak berani nak mandi coz sejuk bangat!..and they can give u contact to a nice supir..

SYUKS said...

Tak boleh jadi..nak pergi BANDUNG jugak la !!!

SYUKS said...

Tak boleh jadi..nak pergi BANDUNG jugak la !!!

wahdi said...

Syuk, bukan u dah gi ke ngan hamdi, crew last year? eh ke i silap?

wahdi said...

Faz- ye ke? kira jauh gak lah nak ke twon eh?

paperclip said...

hmm i stay there too when i was in bandung

bila bro disana?

Resm A. said...

salam bro...
been to bandung 2 times last year...going again in march...boleh kot try sukajadi nie...hotel ni yang dekat depan restoran pak cik mit or something tu kan..
the last two times i stayed in Grand Preanger (mahal betol), Hyatt (ada diskaun skit) and Progo (erkkk) bleh try kot bro wahdi punya suggestion for this hotel...brapa rate dia?

melvin said...

I love to do morning walks when i'm in another country.hope i'll be able to visit bandung the last picture.

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