Monday, May 4, 2009

Jakarta - Hari Pemilu

Hari Pemilu (Election Day) in Indonesia seems fair to all parties - Each party was allowed airtime on local television. It was fun to see their approach on TV!

Visiting Indonesia during their election period has been a great experience! I wish one day, we in Malaysia will also practise the same freedom - giving equal chances to all political parties to lobby on national TV.
Peaceful demonstrations could be seen everywhere...
Election cake!
Ni nak join Hari Pemilu gak ke?
Gigantic monument just by the MoNas entrance.
Part of Jalan Mohammad Husni Thamrin closed to traffic on Sunday morning to let pedestrians "rule" the day!
When else do I get the chance to stand right in the middle of one of Jakarta's busiest streets?
En. Arip at the MoNas...
Although the breakfast buffet in Sari Pan Pacific wasn't as good as the one at Le Meridien KL, I would still give them 4 out of 5 stars, since they took the trouble to serve halal food. No pork stuff was served in the dining hall... and the selection was great, too!
Nasi Goreng Gila... Food in Indonesia is cheap and comes in big varities! It's up to u to try these hawker food... Me? I didn't want to take the risk of trying them!
This hygienic and tidy-looking restaurant offers good food at a good price. In our case, I had tried almost every dish they put on my table, and the bill came up to about RM25 per person


zulfarina zulkeple said...

Untung jgk jadi pedestrian kat situ yek

Cantik jgk view kat sari Pan Pacific tu

Murah gak mknn kat situ...

mmmmm nak kena pegi jgk ni...gambar2 kat bandung takde ke

artisticklytouch said...

macam tuh punya banyak RM25 je!!! haiyoooo....

and that street...dah tutup pun tetap nampak busy...please dont close any road kat KL!!!

nus said...

nak nasi goreng gila 1 pliz!!
bess gile menu last pix..all lauk nasi padang meh?? kan kan kan??


makanannya sangat membuka selera...
tapi nampak banyak warna masakan utk diraja plak kannnn...

the anThropologist said...

Makan kenduri ker tue :P

akupunyahal said...

wah nampak butik zara la kat situ... nice pic

Betty A. said...

mkn nasik padang rmai2 lg jimat...we ate for 4 person masa mmg murah giler.

bewarre of nasi goreng giler in hawker's stall. somtimes diaorg letak daging babi...

y_awy said...

byk makanan tu.. best x?
manis/masam/payau etc?

Unknown said...

Nasi Goreng Gila?
Confrim sape yg makan NASI GORENG itu akan jadi GILA!

Anonymous said...

Babi in nasi goreng? NO WAY! Jakarta is not KL, it's even not easy to find daging babi in Jakarta except in the china town (Mangga 2 area). You'll never encounter daging babi in Indonesian super markets or traditional markets except in predominantly Hindu Bali and few Christian provinces outside Java.

Nilcha said...

Agreed with anonymous!

btw its a good decision to not try that nasi goreng.
its just tooooo oily!

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