Perahu = Sampan
Tangkuban Perahu, its volcanic smoke billows like a overturned boat from far... I had told En. Arip earlier that we were going to Tengkuban Parahu, but I didn't mention what was going to be there, and neither did he Google about it before the Bandung trip. He thought it was going to be a place with a huge sampan, by the beach... Hehehehe....

The "Kawah Ratu", the main crater which is no longer active...

The ugly, pink horse... so sad to see this...

Forced to be photographed together by our hired ranger...

A short briefing about Tangkuban Perahu, and the route to its hot spring...

A mounted leopard... the victim of poisonous volcanic gases...

This poor guy, too... At the Information Centre prior to the hike down...

The staff was so nice! But nice in a cunning way, or "ada udang di sebalik batu"!

We walked through the jungle for almost 40 minutes...

Bumped into a handicraft stall in the middle of the jungle!

Beautiful, rite? But I got quite annoyed with the souvenir peddlers following me everywhere...

Left: the hardened lava from a previous eruption... We actually walked on this slippery track.

Finally, we reached the hot spring, after walking almost 40 minutes!

They said FREE foot massage...

Yes FREE massage! After this "special therapy", they will force u to buy their overly-expensive souveniers. We couldn't avoid it, as we were surrounded by 8 of them, with our camera and shoes in their hands. We had no options, and ended up spending 4 million RP for some stupid souvenirs! DAMN these pests!, ...