Thursday, March 10, 2011


I just got back from a short 5-day trip to Bandung with my mom and brother. It's my second trip to Bandung, and still very much a fun place to explore. I will write more in the next entry, with lots of photos, too! Anyway, have a nice weekend ahead, guys!
*Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

hi...i wanna go vacation with my family in this june...
can u recommend a nice place in bandung ..(especially shopping,hotel,halal food and transport)...

Aan Andes said...

Ubi kayu rebus kah itu?

Ps: My mom look so young! I mean..she must be over 50 kan? sbb my mom pun dah over 50 hehe


nak lagi, nak lagi...best2...

wahdi said...

Anon- Sure, will write abt it soon!

Aan- itu tapai bandung (Payeum) I pun ingat ubi rebus sbb keras.. rupanya tapai keras ^^ I ada beli kat supermarket dia, sedap!

wahdi said...

Soon DD, stay tuned! hehe

fiziskandarz said...

came across ur blog while bloghopping and i must say boy, ur images are awesome!! keep writing :D

Anonymous said...

kim salam kat mak naaa... (",)

zafi said...

eh bro u look different la in this pic... btw the foods look awesome!

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