Monday, February 22, 2010

Muar Madness!

Travelling to my hometown in Muar, Johor is something that I really look forward to!
It seems that all my precious, sweet chilhood memories come alive everytime
I made the trip!

Incidentally, I just couldn't wait to enjoy the hawker food there! From asam pedas to pau Muar, the fabulous mee bandung and satay, all of which are a must, too! Yes, satay is among the most favourite food at breakfast time! How mad! But yes, it's a local favourite!

My breakfast set at the kopitiam...


mohad said...

cantik foto...

Ee Ali said...

no wonder u have to go crazy-dieting this few weeks...but the food looks wa-wa-weeeeee.....

wahdi said...

Ijad- thnx bro!

Kunduran- hehehe tahu takpe! :P

Izuan Kunang-Kunang said...

I loooveeee mee bandung muar!! The best!!

the anThropologist said...

The place looks familiar to me... Hahahahahahahaha :D

P/S: Farhad biler nak lepak Tanjung laie??

[danial][ma] said...

hej! made me drooooooooooooling...miss me bandung muar and such...

artisticklytouch said...

mana pau aku???

Liyana said...

Takde entry rojak petis Tanjung Mas ke?

drBOND said...

i like the photos..

pandai ambil gambar..

Faisal Admar said...

my auntie live in front of sekolah dato :)

i love bryani gam, mee bandung and asam pedas tetel there!

wahdi said...

Izuan- kann!
Khairul- raya lah kot leh lah lepak tanung pekena rojak:D

wahdi said...

Danial- ahaha sorry bro! lol
Kasih- mee bandung sini mcm mee kuah udang je kan?

wahdi said...

Art- luperrr
Liyana- hehe tu simpan tuk next entry LOL

wahdi said...

Dr bond- thnx!!
Faisal- yeke? dekat je ngan umah my parents ;)

mamadhea said...

Tiap kali jenguk blog nie...mesti x akan mis tgk gambar mee bandung nie...sgt terliur..haihh...sedapnyeee

AnakPakZohar said...

sangat bangga jadik orang muo...!!! hehhe...

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