Thursday, December 24, 2009

Almond pie!

Hi all, Please refer to my article in today's Berita Harian page 19 (the Ratu pull-out section) entitled " Pai ringkas kaya khasiat..." Please come back here tomorrow to download the English version...Merci!


suez said...

farhad, bile cookbook nak kuar ni? aku janji akan beli, kalau harga dia RM20. ;-)

J u l i a 。.゜✿ said...

wahdi-san !
waaaa article masuk paper =)

as usual.. gambar cantik.

Aan Andes said...

"Wahdi Farhad Hadithon (Chef Farhad) dari Subang Jaya berminat berkongsi ..."

What?? U r a chef?? It's not an offense, it's just that, I didn't know!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hmmhmhmmm I don't know u r new chef on the block or old timer, but whatever it is, CONGRATS!

Ps: I always thought u r a photographer and painter by profession and cooking is one of ur passion ;) And oh ya, I want to see the final outcome of this pie. Upload pls pls pleaseeee :D

ckucin said...

klu betul kuarkan cookbook.. mmg beli kerana gambar2 dlm cookbook..

wahdi said...

Sue- Kalam RM29.90? ;)

Jue- Thnx jue!!

wahdi said...

Aan Andes- am a new chef bebeh ;) thnx btw!!

Ckucin- Janji beli O.k dlm proses ni ;)

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