Just before I left Paris, autumn was just about to begin... I just luv the smell of fall...

Took this at the Gardens of Tuilleries, the very garden that Marie Antoinette and husband crossed when fleeing the angry revolutionaries....

The garden at the Notre Dame...

Crossing the Notre Dame on my way to the English Bookstore (Royal Shakespeare) at old Paris...

The grand lady in contrast, in miniature...

They don't call it the grand lady for nothing!

Notre Dame's spire as seen through this quaint Paris backstreet...

Evian and Perier are among the cheap local mineral water available here in Paris. I luv fizzy ones more, and had tried almost all that were on the supermart's rack. My favourite ones for August in Paris are as pictured below.

To me, Jouvence is the best and most delicious!

I took this shot during my two hours stop-over at the Bandaranaike Airport, Colombo, Sri Lanka, enroute from Paris to KL. What a scary, cloudy day! Anyway Selamat berpuasa!!
wahdi.. nak miniature - grand lady tu... huhuhu..;p
aku pun!!! cancel eiffel tower k. ha ha
uols, teringin nak kata Paris ni cantik banget tapi pikir balik, ko kalau amek gambar setinggan Kg. kerinchi pun jadi cantik...cemanerh?
he he nanti raya rumah iols k
hej! wahdi...if look around the Bandaranaike International Airport, you can spot the army bunkers around...that's scary! and there were 3 to 4 roadblocks from the airport exit to the main road...
haih botol air mineral tu pon dah cantik kan
suka tul gambar grand lady ngan miniature... mmg semua gambar wahdi amik cantik2 belaka..
salam ramadhan.. cantik sngat pic yg u snap... gud job bro..
Far,Lama nian Paman tak berkesempatan bertandang di laman ini hingga ananda udah pulang dr kembara.Apa khabar Enarip?Salam sejahtera buat kalian berdua.Semarak Ramadhan. Rio.
Salam Ramadhan & Salam Aidilfitri to you Wahdi. It's been a while hadn't drop by here..gotta browse thru all the nice pics, and as always - fascinating views.
have a great day ahead, Wahdi.
Oh my...the architecture is so amazing. Welcome home Wahdi and selamat hari raya!
Ps: I guess u'll be serving macaroons as kuih raya this year? :P
Y-awy- Boleh je bro :P
Art- Tak jugak, kalau tmpt hazab still hazab OPSS..o.k bro, akn ku dtg beraya umah mu huhuhu
Danial- Bonjour Danial, yeah i noticed, scary! u nampak bangkai kapal terbang tu?
Kak Zul- Kan !
Ckucin- ye ke? *terharu hehe
Zain- Salam Ramadhan..thnx bro!
Rio- Wahh lama sungguh tak nampak Paman..Sihat?
Zara- u too long time no see! Thnx, have a great day ahead!
Aan Andes- thnx, u too Selamat hari Raya! hahaha, tahu je i nak serve macaroons :P
cantik photo botol kaca 2.. mendalam ....nice snap :)
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