Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dah takdir Yasmin...
I feel so touched on reading Yasmin's 2nd last entry (about the death of Teoh Beng Hock)
before she died... I told her in my comment, " Dah takdir maybe "...
and today, I receive the official announcement of her death... Al-Fatihah


Ee Ali said...

sedih...x tau nak cakap apa...

ckucin said...

satu kehilangan.. tak dpt lagi tgk hasil kerja dia yg sungguh istimewa..

Aan Andes said...

I love Mukhsin so much and cried throughout the movie. Wonder when I get to see such movie again.

Al-Fatihah to Yasmin :(

khairul said...

satu kehilangan yg pasti x yg dapat fatihah...

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